Boutique de Lili
Bijoux / Impression 3D

Chicken and Rice (NYC Street Cart Style)   Imprimer

Nombre de personnesDiminuer le nombre de personnes4Augmenter le nombre de personnes
Temps de préparation10 min
Temps de cuisson60 min
Prix par personne3.67 / personnes
1 Cl Vinaigre de cidre
250 Cl Yaourts nature
4 Gr Coriandre
500 Gr Aiguillettes de poulet
2 Gr Origan séché
3 Gr Sucre en poudre
3 Gr Sel
1 Jus de citron
25 Cl Huile d'olives
4 Gousses d'ail
2 Gr Poivre noir
Détail de la recette

Additional optional ingredients:

Sriracha, harissa or your favorite hot sauce (optional to serve)

Fresh parsley (optional for garnish)

1. Whisk together all sauce ingredients in a small bowl. Refrigerate until ready to use. ?

2. Toss chicken with lemon juice, oregano, coriander, salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil. Marinade at least 15 minutes, an hour is ideal.?

3. Heat a large pot over high heat and add enough oil to coat the bottom lightly. ?

4. In a large saucepan, cook the chicken in batches until done. Remove from pan, set aside and keep warm. ?

5. In the same pot you cooked the chicken, add the butter, rice, turmeric and cumin. Stir to coat, cook about 1-2 minutes. ?

6. Add chicken stock and salt and bring to a boil.?

7. Turn heat down to low, cover and cook 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork when finished and remove from heat.?

8. When everything is done, dice the chicken. ?

9. Serve chicken pieces on top of rice, drizzle with the white sauce and add hot sauce if desired. ?

10. Enjoy!

Valeurs nutritionnelles moyennes par personne
Energie5 795.88 kJ / 1 394.62 kCal
Matières grasses74.54 gdont saturés8.65 g
Glucides36.26 gdont sucres0.54 g
Fibres0.77 g
Protéines50.90 g
Sodium294.08 mg
Source :
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